pgHeader(); $usafachCore->database(); include "./includes/prevent.html"; function display_db_table($tablename,$yr) { global $conn; $sql = "select * from name_master where name_master.class='$yr' and (name_master.class_role not like 'frnd%' or name_master.class_role is null) and lname <> '' order by id_num"; $result1 = mysqli_query($conn,$sql); $numid = mysqli_num_rows($result1); //echo $numid; // Determine number of id_num per column $mod = intval($numid / 4) + 1; if($numid % 4 == 0) $mod = $mod - 1; // Initialize counters // echo $mod . '
'; $ii=0; $jj = 0; $jjj = 1; $curRow = 0; $col1count = 0; $col4count = 0; while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result1)) { $row_0[] = array($row[0],$jjj); $jj++; // echo $jj . ' ' . ($jj % $mod) . ' ' . $row[0] . ' ' . $row[1] . ' ' . $jjj . '
'; if($jj % $mod == 0) { $jjj++; } } for ($i = 0; $i < $jj; $i++) { // echo $row_0[$i][0] . "
"; switch ($row_0[$i][1]) { case 1: $col1[] = array($row_0[$i][0]); $col1count = $col1count + 1; break; case 2: $col2[] = array($row_0[$i][0]); break; case 3: $col3[] = array($row_0[$i][0]); break; case 4: $col4[] = array($row_0[$i][0]); $col4count = $col4count + 1; break; default: } } print(" "); for ($i = 0; $i < $mod; $i++) { // Print in Col 1 $sql = "select * from name_master where name_master.id_num = " . $col1[$i][0]; $result = mysqli_query($conn,$sql); if($result) { while($tbllRow = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $ii++; if ($tbllRow['deceased'] == 'Yes') { $fonttag = "D "; $bkgrdclr = "#ffffcc"; } else { $fonttag = ""; $bkgrdclr = ""; } if ($tbllRow['class_role'] == 'dng') { $fonttag ="NG ".$fonttag; $bkgrdclr = "#fffff0"; } $metaSQL = "select type from meta where id_grad = $tbllRow[0] and type = 'vid'"; $metares = mysqli_query($conn,$metaSQL); $numrows = mysqli_num_rows($metares); if($numrows > 0) { // $fonttag = "** "; $posttag = " **"; } else { // $fonttag = ""; $posttag = ""; } $meta1SQL = "select type from meta where id_grad = $tbllRow[0] and (description <> '') and type = 'bio' "; $metares1 = mysqli_query($conn,$meta1SQL); $numrows1 = mysqli_num_rows($metares1); if($numrows1 > 0) { $fonttag = "+ ".$fonttag; // $posttag = " **"; } else { $fonttag = " ".$fonttag; // $posttag = ""; } // print(""); print(''); } } // Print in Col 2 $sql = "select * from name_master where name_master.id_num = " . $col2[$i][0]; $result = mysqli_query($conn,$sql); if($result) { while($tbllRow = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $ii++; if ($tbllRow['deceased'] == 'Yes') { $fonttag = "D "; $bkgrdclr = "#ffffcc"; } else { $fonttag = ""; $bkgrdclr = ""; } if ($tbllRow['class_role'] == 'dng') { $fonttag ="NG ".$fonttag; $bkgrdclr = "#fffff0"; } $metaSQL = "select type from meta where id_grad = $tbllRow[0] and type = 'vid'"; $metares = mysqli_query($conn,$metaSQL); $numrows = mysqli_num_rows($metares); if($numrows > 0) { // $fonttag = "** "; $posttag = " **"; } else { // $fonttag = ""; $posttag = ""; } $meta1SQL = "select type from meta where id_grad = $tbllRow[0] and description <> '' and type = 'bio'"; $metares1 = mysqli_query($conn,$meta1SQL); $numrows1 = mysqli_num_rows($metares1); if($numrows1 > 0) { $fonttag = "+ ".$fonttag; // $posttag = " **"; } else { $fonttag = " ".$fonttag; // $posttag = ""; } // print(""); print(''); } } // Print in Col 3 $sql = "select * from name_master where name_master.id_num = " . $col3[$i][0]; $result = mysqli_query($conn,$sql); if($result) { while($tbllRow = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $ii++; if ($tbllRow['deceased'] == 'Yes') { $fonttag = "D "; $bkgrdclr = "#ffffcc"; } else { $fonttag = ""; $bkgrdclr = ""; } if ($tbllRow['class_role'] == 'dng') { $fonttag ="NG ".$fonttag; $bkgrdclr = "#fffff0"; } $metaSQL = "select type from meta where id_grad = $tbllRow[0] and type = 'vid'"; $metares = mysqli_query($conn,$metaSQL); $numrows = mysqli_num_rows($metares); if($numrows > 0) { // $fonttag = "** "; $posttag = " **"; } else { // $fonttag = ""; $posttag = ""; } $meta1SQL = "select type from meta where id_grad = $tbllRow[0] and description <> '' and type = 'bio'"; $metares1 = mysqli_query($conn,$meta1SQL); $numrows1 = mysqli_num_rows($metares1); if($numrows1 > 0) { $fonttag = "+ ".$fonttag; // $posttag = " **"; } else { $fonttag = " ".$fonttag; // $posttag = ""; } // print(""); print(''); } } // Print in Col 4 if($curRow < ($mod - ($col1count - $col4count))) { $sql = "select * from name_master where name_master.id_num = " . $col4[$i][0]; $result = mysqli_query($conn,$sql); if($result) { while($tbllRow = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $ii++; if ($tbllRow['deceased'] == 'Yes') { $fonttag = "D "; $bkgrdclr = "#ffffcc"; } else { $fonttag = ""; $bkgrdclr = ""; } if ($tbllRow['class_role'] == 'dng') { $fonttag ="NG ".$fonttag; $bkgrdclr = "#fffff0"; } $metaSQL = "select type from meta where id_grad = $tbllRow[0] and type = 'vid'"; $metares = mysqli_query($conn,$metaSQL); $numrows = mysqli_num_rows($metares); if($numrows > 0) { // $fonttag = "** "; $posttag = " **"; } else { // $fonttag = ""; $posttag = ""; } $meta1SQL = "select type from meta where id_grad = $tbllRow[0] and description <> '' and type = 'bio'"; $metares1 = mysqli_query($conn,$meta1SQL); $numrows1 = mysqli_num_rows($metares1); if($numrows1 > 0) { $fonttag = "+ ".$fonttag; // $posttag = " **"; } else { $fonttag = " ".$fonttag; // $posttag = ""; } // print(""); print(''); } } } else { print(""); } print(""); $curRow = $curRow + 1; } print("
$fonttag $tbllRow[1], $tbllRow[2]$posttag
$fonttag $tbllRow[1], $tbllRow[2]$posttag
$fonttag $tbllRow[1], $tbllRow[2]$posttag
$fonttag $tbllRow[1], $tbllRow[2]$posttag

"); // print("
"); } ?>

Class of

The class of 1963 has biographic information on graduates. Other classes list only name, state of origin, and Cadet Squadron at Graduation. Select a graduate by clicking on the button with a graduate name.

( Names with ** following have videos on their personal page. Names with + preceeding have a written biography.)

(Highlighted names preceded with "D" are deceased. Highlighted names preceded with "NG" did not graduate.)

'; } display_db_table("name_master",$year); ?>