"; include 'includes/class.config.php'; $usafachCore->pgHeader(); //echo " 2 : " . $name . "
"; $usafachCore->database(); //echo " 3 : " . $name . "
"; include 'includes/functions.php'; get_deployed($year); $name = $_POST['name']; //echo " 4 : " . $name . "
"; date_default_timezone_set('America/New_York'); include "./includes/prevent.html"; ?>

Class of

0) { echo '
Click for:
'; } else { echo '
No Videos:
'; } if($phnum > 0) { echo '
Click for:
'; } else { echo '
No photos/documents:
'; } echo '

Biography as of: ' . date("M d, Y",$lastup) . '
' . htmlspecialchars_decode($biotext) . '
'; if($vidnum > 0) { echo '
Click for:
'; } else { echo '
No Videos:
'; } if($phnum > 0) { echo '
Click for:
'; } else { echo '
No photos/documents:
'; } } else { function display_db_table($tablename,$person,$yr) { global $conn; $sql = "select *,char_length(lname) as lnlen, char_length(name_at_graduation) as gradnmlen from name_master left join state on name_master.bthstate = state.value where name_master.id_num = '$person'"; //echo $sql; $result = mysqli_query($conn,$sql); while($tbllRow = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { if ($tbllRow['deceased'] == 'Yes') { $decsd = 'd. ' . substr($tbllRow['deceased_date'],0,4) ; } else { $decsd = ''; } $lastspace = strrpos($tbllRow['name_at_graduation'],' '); $firstmiddle = substr($tbllRow['name_at_graduation'],0,$lastspace); $maidname = substr($tbllRow['name_at_graduation'],$lastspace + 1); //echo $maidname; $lastnm = $tbllRow['lname']; $maidnm = ''; if ($maidname <> $tbllRow['lname']) { $maidnm = '('.$maidname.')'; } $fullname = $firstmiddle . ' ' . $maidnm . ' ' . $lastnm; // echo $fullname; echo '

' . $fullname . '
' . $decsd . '

State of Origin
' . $tbllRow[22] . '
  Cadet Squadron
' . $tbllRow['grad_sqdn'] . '
' ; $res = mysqli_query($conn,"select type,directory,url from meta where id_grad = '$person'"); $video = 0; $phdoc = 0; while($Row = mysqli_fetch_array($res)) { if($Row[0] == 'vid') { $video = 1; } /* if($Row[0] == 'doc' and $yr = '1964') { echo '
Personal History:
'; } */ } if($video == 1) { echo '
Jump to:
'; } /* if($phdoc == 1) { echo '
Jump to:
'; } */ } } // echo $name . " " . $year; display_db_table("name_master",$name,$year); } ?>